Early Wahhabi Dissociation from La-Madhabism

One of the significant heretical innovations present in our times is the methodology of La-Madhabism, which advocates for the abandonment of the …

Early Wahhabi Dissociation from La-Madhabism

While purportedly aiming to unify Muslims, La-Madhabism instead bred discord, even over minor points of contention. They entered into various Muslim lands and spread their alien views on numerous issues, cloaked as the sole possessor of the pristine religion, at times even considering Islam to have truly entered these lands upon their arrival, picking fight with Muslims who follow traditionally established schools of law, declaring traditionalist scholarship as heretics, establishing their exclusive Masjids right next to existing ones, degrading the quality and standards of Islamic scholarship and discourse with their protestant style of preaching & learning, and wasting huge sums of money, time and energy of Muslim world over all of this.

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